DETEST is an answer for the NYT Crossword puzzle. Here you can get the history and usage for DETEST in NYT Crossword from 1994.

This "DETEST" answer was first appeared in "31 Jan 1994" NYT Crossword for the hint of "Loathe (2)". It was authored by Janet R. Bender. Recently, the "DETEST" answer has been used for "17 Dec 2023" NYT Crossword for the hint of "Abominate (2)". It was authored by Jeremy Newton. In the NYT Crossword, this answer has been used most frequently for the hint: "Can’t stand (6)". "DETEST" appeared 30 times in Shortz Era puzzles. So lets take a look for clue and answer history of "DETEST" word.

Date Grid Clue Author
17 Dec 2023 20D Abominate Jeremy Newton
24 Sep 2023 124A Execrate Joel Fagliano and Christina Iverson
19 Feb 2023 61A Abhor Rebecca Goldstein
22 Jul 2021 64A Can’t stand John Guzzetta
15 Nov 2019 18A Revile Debbie Ellerin
30 Apr 2013 49A Hate with a passion Lynn Lempel
20 May 2012 74D Abhor Alan Arbesfeld
4 Nov 2010 66A Can’t stand Mike Nothnagel
20 Oct 2008 45D Abhor Daniel Raymon
12 Jun 2007 6D Abhor Jonathan Gersch
21 Jan 2006 34D Not be able to take Brendan Emmett Quigley
1 Jan 2006 99A Can’t stand Joe DiPietro
13 May 2005 38D Want absolutely nothing to do with Robert H. Wolfe
12 Dec 2004 120A Hate with a passion Lee Glickstein and Nancy Salomon
25 Apr 2004 10D Can’t stand Elizabeth C. Gorski
22 Mar 2004 47A Dislike with a passion Kyle Mahowald
28 Mar 2003 43D Abominate Cathy Millhauser
10 Dec 2001 46D Opposite of adore Gregory E. Paul
12 Oct 1999 46A More than dislike Ed Early
28 Oct 1998 45A Hate Alan Arbesfeld
25 Jan 1998 118A Can’t stand Dave Tuller
11 Apr 1997 40A Find abhorrent Manny Nosowsky
1 Nov 1996 35D Dislike M. Rosen
27 Oct 1996 125A Execrate N. N. Joline
18 Dec 1995 9D Loathe Randall J. Hartman
18 Nov 1995 23D Can’t stand Glenton Petgrave
6 Oct 1994 35A Hate with a passion Richard Silvestri
24 Apr 1994 91D Execrate Louis Sabin
4 Feb 1994 46D Have an aversion to Joe Clonick
31 Jan 1994 8D Loathe Janet R. Bender

Here you get DETEST answered all clues with dates, Grid, and Author info. If DETEST will be used in a new NYT Crossword, that will be updated here.

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